Writing may not be your passion, but hair, beauty and business is. Every blog is different, and every writer has their own unique style. Some days it’s easy to get the ink flowing, and other days you may be be faced with writer’s block – it happens to us all. If you need some inspiration to get started on your blogging journey, here are a few things to consider.

Timely’s Guide to Salon and Spa Blogs: What to write about

Your mind might be flooded with blog ideas already – great! Go and note all of these ideas down! In fact, keeping a diary of your thoughts is a brilliant idea. Few things are as frustrating as having a wonderful idea, sitting down to write about it 4 hours later, and discovering that it’s gone.

Often the best blog ideas pop into your mind at the most inconvenient times – mid workout, while you’re in the shower – or just before you drift off to sleep at night. Most of us can’t drop everything and write as soon as these ideas come to mind. So stop and jot it down. This way, you won’t forget that brilliant shower thought when you come to write it.

But when you are faced with a touch of writer’s block, or just don’t know where to start, here are a few steps  to get yourself in the groove.

Address clients questions

The best thing you can do when drafting a blog is to take inspiration from those around you.

Think about the common or recurring questions clients ask you. Chances are, it’s probably not just your clients who have those questions.

Start taking note of what the most common educational topics are at your salon or spa. If you offer hair removal services, you’re probably used to giving a spiel about how waxing works, the difference between waxing and sugaring, post-waxing care, and even more. But just because you’re used to answering those questions doesn’t mean there aren’t tons of people out there looking for that information!

A blog is a great way to address these FAQs and to offer insight to dozens of people who may be asking similar questions. Your clients are a brilliant source of inspiration, as you want them to enjoy, and engage in, your content.

What’s trending?

Check out what’s trending in your industry. Forage through your favourite beauty or hair mags, a popular Instagram thread or your beauty blogger’s website. What’s on their radar? Let your favourite writers and social media pages inspire you!

Or maybe there’s a trend that you have an issue with, for aesthetic or health reasons. Write about it! Establishing your voice will endear you to people who appreciate honesty and thoughtfulness.

Writing about trends also gives you the perfect chances to include photos, or before and after shots of hair or beauty treatments. The more you can include photos of your actual work, the more your blog will work to sell your skills.

Special events


Expos are great opportunities for networking both during and after. If you get the chance to go to one, share your experiences! What lessons did you learn? What inspired you? What speakers did you hear? What’s the new spin on an old technique? Not only will this inspire your clients to drop by your business for a treatment, but it will also demonstrate your commitment to staying up-to-date in your industry.


Whether it’s a breast cancer awareness event, a guys night, or a fashion show, events are prime marketing opportunities. A blog centred about community events shows potential clients that your business is about more than just hair and massage; it’s about giving back, having fun and being present in your community.

Celebrate your team

We all love a little shoutout. Bragging about your awesome team can go a long way to building a positive community in your salon or spa. Plus, it’s super beneficial for your blog.

Ways to pull your staff into the limelight:

  • Write about them! Blogs about your staff make your site friendlier, which is a good reflection of the people-centric nature of your work. Talk about a staff member’s expertise, recent activities, or awards.
  • Ask them to write! Every staff member has their strong points, so encourage and empower your employees to express their opinions and share their expertise, too. Not only will this increase blog volume, variety and quality – but it’ll help you to be found by more potential customers.

Celebrating your staff informs people that you have a winning team, and a top salon they they should visit. But aside from that, it also lets your staff know that you are proud to have them. Recognition and praise goes a long way.

It’s important that your staff feel appreciated and empowered – and it makes for feel-good blog material. Win-win!

Product reviews

Product reviews are a tricky beast. They’re a great way to inform your clients of new items that may help their hair and beauty woes. But it’s also a way to sell products that you stock, and your reader thinks you’re only doing it to sell, it won’t work.

Discuss the products, the background and the benefits – and why you personally like these products. Don’t talk like a product representative, talk like you would to a close friend. Make sure that the focus isn’t just on selling your product. Be honest and truthful. If this product is best suited to younger skin or hair, then say that. Your honest and well-informed opinion will be respected amongst clients.

Now that you’re feeling inspired, grab a notebook, and start jotting down all of your initial thoughts. It’s easy to feel like you may run out of ideas, but society, trends, your opinions and your products are always changing – so let your blog reflect that!

You now know why blogging is great for business, and that you have a great deal of industry knowledge to share… so now it’s time to bring it all together! Up next, we’ll discuss how to write your blog well, and how to be sure that your blog will be found online.