A massive welcome to Jo Stokes, our new dedicated front end developer. She’s already been busy poking around the app, adding polish and pizazz!


Welcome to the team, Jo!

Jo comes to Timely from senior roles in the front end development team at Xero. She will be based in Wellington alongside the Timely tech team. Our existing remote workers in Wellington are excited to have another workmate in the capital, and are looking forward to seeing Jo pop into the new coworking space. As a front-end developer she will be working closely with our product team. Together they’ll keep the user-facing side of Timely looking slick and running like a well oiled machine.

A front-end developer creates all the parts of the software that a user sees and interacts with. They bring the designer’s concept to life, create tools that enhance the user experience, and collaborate with the other developers to make sure everything runs seamlessly. The Timely that we all know and love is now going to get even better with Jo’s expert guidance.

I feel extremely privileged to work with so many people who are experts in their field, and are all super friendly to boot! I look forward to my unique skillset complementing an already amazing team

We can’t wait to have Jo’s dedicated user interface experience applied to some exciting upcoming features. We met her last month at the mid-year meetup and have whole heartedly welcomed her to the Timely team! We’re super excited to see what Timely will look like in the coming months.

Outside of work Jo enjoys rocking #timelylife to spend time with her family, sew her own clothes, and visit the beach. Rumour also has it she recently started making fresh pasta. Delizioso!