We’re welcoming Sebastián Villamonte (Seba) to our team in Wellington as a software developer.

Welcome Seba!

We’re always building Timely, and you get to decide the features we add.

Lately, you’ve been asking for a lot of new additions. Keep them coming! On our end, that means we’ve got to hire more talented developers who can take your requests from suggestions on our help forum to features in the app.

With this in mind, we’re stoked to welcome Sebastián Villamonte (Seba) to our team in Wellington as a software developer.

Originally from Argentina, Seba brings with him development, organisation, management and research experience. His latest role was as a Software Engineer for Hexacta in Paraná and Buenos Aires, a well known outsourcing company for systems development from Argentina.

“I also spent some days trying to throw lame guitar chords at a band back in my hometown,” Seba adds. 

Shortly after moving to New Zealand from Argentina, Seba applied for a job at Timely and aced the developer’s test. He has since hit the ground running.

“Everyone has been so nice to me since day one, and feeling welcomed is something important coming from far away,” he says. “I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to learning more about Azure and how a software as a service application is built day by day, while giving my point of view so that all of us learn in the process.”

Outside of work, Seba enjoys learning new things and getting to know places and people while travelling. Of course, his alternative rock music is never too far away.

His latest project is tech-focussed though. “Since I’m missing a bit my gaming computer (I needed to leave it back in Argentina, since it was quite heavy for being carried on the plane), I’m researching as much as possible so that I can build a good portable system for the go, when everything sets up,” he explains. “Before leaving, I was also very interested in Arduino and hardware programming, so I hope I have the chance to experiment with it here as well.”

Although you might not talk to Seba when you send in support emails, you’ll be using his work every day when you log in to your account.

Get more out of your day with Timely smart booking software, and don’t forget to send us your feature requests so Seba has something to do when he’s not building his new computer!