In times like these, we need to find creative ways to keep in touch with each other – which is especially important in service-based industries when communication with clients is super important. Timely’s SMS campaigns feature lets you keep clients updated with key information using a range of filters, and we’ll show you how in this blog.

Using SMS Campaigns to keep clients up to date on your business

Keep clients updated on key business information

Sending a message to all clients

If you need to let all your clients know about any changes to your business like if you need to shut down, reduce your hours, or even let clients know that you’re still open for business, this is the setting to go for.

Setting: Simply keep all the settings unticked means you’ve selected to send the message to all clients (unless they’ve opted out of SMS in the past).

Sending a message to some clients (based on location, staff, or services)

This is a great way to inform only some of your clients about changes. One of your staff might not be able to come in, or just one of your locations might be closed, so you can keep only those clients affected up to date.

Setting: Selected locations, Selected staff, or Selected services

Communicate to clients with upcoming appointments

Sending a message to clients who have an appointment tomorrow

You can use this filter to send out COVID specific information before your client arrives, such as a COVID specific form to fill out (like this one from our friends at OFF+ON), or ask clients to reply to confirm they’re healthy and haven’t been travelling.

Setting: With appointments in date range: Tomorrow

Sending a message to clients who have an appointment in the next 7 days

Similar to the “Tomorrow” filter, this is a great way to send specific information related to upcoming appointments, and to reassure clients that you’re taking extra care with even stricter hygiene practices than normal. We recommend that you keep things positive; let your clients know you’re excited to see them and their pamper session will help to take their mind off things. 

Setting: With appointments in date range: Next 7 days

Sending a message to clients who have an appointment in the next 14 and 30 days

Reassure your clients by letting them know you’re still open and seeing clients, assure them that if anything changes that you’ll be in touch with them. This is a great way to reduce cancellations. 

Setting: With appointments in date range: Next 14 days, Next 30 days

Send a message to clients you’ve seen recently

Sending a message to clients who you’ve seen in the past 90 days or 12 months

While this is a hard time for everyone, we all want to support each other and your clients are the best people to support your business right now. Reach out to clients you’ve seen recently and ask them for support; you might want to suggest clients buy gift vouchers now to be used when things are more normal again, or let them know about a sale you’re having on your retail stock. You could also just let them know that you’re thinking about them, hope they’re staying safe and healthy, and that you can’t wait to see them again soon when things are getting back to normal. 

Setting: With appointments in date range: Last 90 days, Last 12 months

Filling your calendar when the time comes

Sending a message to clients who have no future bookings

People will still need their hair and other treatments done, so when things start to pick back up you should be ready to fill your calendar. Send these messages to any client who you’ve seen before but who doesn’t have a future booking,and include your phone number or your online booking link so they can book in easily. 

Setting: With appointments in date range: Last 12 months, Last 2 years AND Has no future bookings

It’s important to keep communicating with your clients during COVID-19, and SMS campaigns are a great way to help you keep in touch. For some helpful info about the other Timely product features to help during this time, check out the Timely Product Tips blog.