Timely would like to confirm that our software meets the ‘contact tracing requirements for businesses in New Zealand to reopen and keep track of all clients entering their premises.

Timely Software takes care of contact tracing in New Zealand

What client data does Timely store?

The following client contact information can be collected and stored securely in Timely for contact tracing purposes. This data is always available for active Timely customers.  

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Mobile phone number
  • Date of entering the business 
  • Time in and out

What do you need to do?

You need to make sure you’ve got up to date client information  for anyone who comes through the door.  We recommend you ask your clients to update their contact information prior to their appointment using client login. If you have any walk-in customers purchasing products, you must also record them as a client in Timely so that sale can be traced.

How to ask clients to update their details

How to obtain the contact tracing data from Timely

Timely reporting tools allow businesses to access client information and appointment details easily at any time.  Using the following reports you can  

While we hope you won’t need to report on any Covid breaches, our team are ready to help you should need any assistance with contact tracing reporting.