Welcome to 2017! It’s a new year and a new look. We’re getting right into it with a brand new addition to the Timely app for iPad and iPhone. Welcome to Activity view!

Activity View for iOS: Your day at a glance

We’re so excited about this latest addition to our iPad and iPhone app. Showing your day at a glance, the Activity view will be your new best friend! Currently, you can see your schedule by day or by week. But with the new Activity view, you’ll be able to see everything your business has coming up (lunch breaks, appointments, classes, anything!), whether it’s in the next hour or the next day.

Let’s take a closer look.

Upcoming appointments and events

The ‘Upcoming‘ tab shows your upcoming appointments, classes, busy times and breaks. Tap the ‘i‘ icon to view the appointment details if you need to edit, cancel or book a new appointment. This view can be filtered to show All staff, or only certain staff, depending on your preference.

Upcoming appointments

Staff will be able to see events on this tab based on their access settings. Check their access settings if you’re worried they may be able to see information they shouldn’t!

Requested bookings

If you have your online bookings set up to be pencilled-in by default, you can Accept or Decline your bookings while you’re on the go from the Requested bookings tab.

Confirm upcoming bookings

Staff will be able to see the Requested bookings tab if they have access to the Activity Dashboard in the web version of Timely. So, remember to check your staff access settings if you want them to be able to accept or decline bookings.

Keep up to date with our iOS app roadmap

We’re got big plans for the iOS app in 2017! We’ll be introducing point of sale, receipt printing, integrated payment solutions and so much more to make Timely the one-stop-shop for your front desk.

We’re also always looking for new preview users to test out features before we deploy them. So if you’re keen to test out new features on your iPad or iPhone, sign up here to join our preview group!