Hate selling products because you feel pushy? We hear ya! But guess what? You’re holding yourself back from providing first-class customer service and hindering your business from better financial success. In this Timely Fit class, Julie Piantadosi teaches us about having a sales mindset, and how to sell naturally, close the sale, and make money during a lockdown 💪 Watch the LIVE here on Monday 12th July, 6pm AEST 

Julie Piantadosi is one of Australia’s most sought after coaches, speakers, and trainers. Her sales training and business consulting is revolutionary and helps business owners make the shift from ordinary to extraordinary through simple and effective tools. If that wasn’t enough to convince you that you’re in good hands, she’s trained companies like Qantas, BMW, Porsche, freedom furniture, and Kenneth Cole New York, just to name a few!

Fix your sales mindset

In this industry, it’s really common for people to struggle with selling retail. You’re not alone!

“Most Beauty Therapists and Hair Stylists only want to do the technical component of their work. They love what they do and really believe in the products, but it usually falls apart when it comes time to close the sale.” Julie

Julie has found that it’s typical among therapists and stylists in the industry to get inside their own heads, and start deciding whether the client can afford the retail products or not and overthinking the sales process. How often people do this can depend on their personal self-worth, which will stop them achieving their sales goals (and yours as a business owner). Sound familiar? If you’ve got this problem, you need to do the work to break down those internal roadblocks and dig deep into why you feel like you and your business aren’t worth supporting.

“Fix your mindset and amazing things happen! Mindset is EVERYTHING.” Julie 

Time for show and tell

Imagine going to the Chanel counter at your local department store. You’re inquiring about a moisturiser for your skin, and the sales assistant starts randomly applying moisturiser all over your legs and arms. This would never happen, right? You’d be thinking “What the heck?” (or something more explicit), and so you should! Nobody would feel comfortable in this situation, but it’s actually what the beauty and hair industry does all day long. 

“We apply products on people‘s hair and skin without asking permission and without telling them what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. I think it should be illegal to do that!” Julie

Julie recommends that you change this aspect of your business and start ‘showing and telling’, and things will quickly start to change! 

How to close a sale naturally

The reason you feel uncomfortable closing a sale is because you’re asking the wrong questions.

“Stop asking things like, “Did you want to take those products today?” or “Are you okay with your products at home?” Psychologists say that 92% of the time the answer will be no If you ask questions like that.” Julie 

As a customer service trainer, Julie knows that it’s paramount to give clients options.

“Give your clients choices. It doesn’t matter to me if the client chooses to purchase or not; I just think it’s very poor customer service not to give them options to purchase products.” Julie

Survive lockdowns with your creativity

Due to Covid, most salon and spa owners sell products online now, which saved many salons from going under. There’s no right way to get through Covid intact, but much of the beauty industry was selling home kits – e.g. Shellac nail removal kits – or selling enough wax with a strip and a small spatula so that the client could tidy up their own eyebrows. Many hair salons were selling dye for clients to touch up their colour! After all, if your business is closed for four months your clients will buy colour from somewhere, so you may as well step up your customer service and give them the option to buy it from you. 

Of course this approach isn’t right for every business, so you have to do what’s right for you. But when you deliver great customer service, you look after your clients, and you’re checking in with them often (especially when you’re in lockdown), you’ll find they’ll always come back and spend money with you. 

“Change some of your interactions with clients and you’ll find that you’ll get different outcomes.” Julie


Watch the LIVE to learn more

Join Alex and Julie on Monday 12th July, 6pm AEST for more hints and tips!