England is in lockdown number 2, and we know it’s a tough time for many businesses. One key thing to focus on during this time is keeping money coming in, and we’ve got some quick and easy ways to help you do this! With Christmas just around the corner and shopping in stores off the cards, lots of people will be looking for presents they can order online, so now is the time to get your business taking online payments!


    1. Selling gift vouchers
    2. Selling products and packages
    3. Online consultations
    4. Keeping in touch with your clients

Selling gift vouchers

Selling gift vouchers is a great, easy way to keep money coming into your business during this second lockdown; clients can purchase them as gifts to introduce new clients to your business or save them for their own future appointments.  

Getting your gift vouchers set up is super easy; simply head to the setup area and tick the ‘Custom amount vouchers can be purchased online‘ option. You can then also make your own gift vouchers for specific services, like a Hot Stone Massage or Olaplex Treatment; with these vouchers we recommend hiding the price so that if it’s purchased as a gift the recipient will only see the treatment name. 

You’ll need to have a payment gateway like TimelyPay or Stripe connected to your Timely account to sell vouchers online. This guide will show you how to set up your payment gateway.

Tip: Great way to promote your gift voucher is to create some eye-catching posts for your instagram and Facebook pages using apps like Canva

Set it up in Timely:
Set up Gift Vouchers
Set up Online Payments

Help guides:
Sell Gift Vouchers Online
How to set up your payment gateway

Online payments are available on the Elevate and Innovate packages. Don’t worry, you can try Elevate for 30 days for free!

Selling products and packages

Your clients will still want and need products to use at home, whether it’s what they’re already using, new products they want to try, or products to replicate in salon treatments while you’re closed! 

Lots of suppliers are offering a direct-to-client service where, once you’ve taken payment from your client and placed your order, they’ll send the products directly to your clients so they get their products quickly and save you a trip to the post office! It’s definitely worth reaching out to your suppliers and find out if they offer that service. To get your products ready to sell to your clients, simply head to the products area, or the help guide below will give you a hand. 

Set it up in Timely: Set up Products Page

Help Guide: Adding products to Timely  

Another great thing to sell to your clients are package offers; this might be a set amount of services at a discounted price or a combination of products (that they can start using straight away), and services they can have once you reopen! 

You can also group together popular treatments in a package for clients to prepay for, ready for a pampering when you reopen! Christmas might only be weeks away when you open your doors again, and clients will be desperate to get their treatments booked in; this is a great way for clients to ensure they get what they want! 

Set it up in Timely: Set up Packages 

Help Guides:
Creating Packages
Selling Products Online During Lockdown

Online payments are available on the Elevate and Innovate packages. Don’t worry, you can try Elevate for 30 days for free!

Online consultations and Video Call Services

Offering online consultations or video calls is the best thing you can do to make sure that your clients are getting the best from their products, and book the right services when you reopen! Using Timely Consult means you can make and send pre-appointment consultation forms to gather information about your client prior to their call, so you can be better prepared and spend more time talking about their specific needs. 

Tip: Clients love it when the cost of the consultation is redeemable against the cost of the products or services they purchase during the consultation – but remember to charge for your time if they don’t purchase anything! 

Help Guide: Using Timely Consult 

Set it up in Timely: Set up Timely Consult 

Alongside consultations you could also offer makeup or hair styling lessons, DIY facial lessons, or even coaching one to one or groups of clients all at the same time, helping them make the most of their time at home! 

With Timely’s video call service you can add a direct link to your video call provider such as Zoom or Google Meet straight to the booking, so that the client can click the link straight from their booking email or SMS message.  

Set it up in Timely: Set up Services 

Help Guide: Video Call Services 

Timely Consult is available on the Elevate and Innovate packages. Try Elevate for 30 days for free!

Keeping in touch with your clients 

All of these fantastic money making tips rely on you staying in touch with your clients. We find the easiest way to do this is to contact them all at one time; this could be with an SMS/email campaign or a Facebook group. 

This means that you can get the same message out to everyone; whether it’s letting them know you have gift vouchers available or that you’re offering online product purchases or video consultations. It can also be a really good way to touch base with them and see how they’re getting on during lockdown. For many of your clients, the services you offer are not just about them having their hair or nails done, it’s a chance for them to unwind, let off steam and take some time out for themselves. 

Checking in on your clients can make the world of difference, and they won’t forget it! 

Set it up in Timely:
SMS Campaigns Set up
Email Marketing

Help Guides:
SMS Campaigns
Facebook Groups 

Finally, make sure you look after yourself and your staff! It’s always an important thing to do, but at difficult times like this your staff may need extra help to look after their mental and physical health. 

Here’s a great little guide from the British Beauty Council on how to look after yourself during lockdown