It’s 2019 and your clients expect you to have online booking, but not all online booking is the same. Timely’s online booking app lets you choose how you want your clients to book, eliminating the possibility of annoying time gaps in your calendar.

The World’s Smartest Online Booking – only available with Timely!


Businesses that use Online Booking with Timely and use the ‘minimised gaps’ feature are 48% busier with appointments than those that don’t. More bookable time means more revenue.

Online booking transforms businesses by saving them time, increasing sales and upping productivity. Timely customers also see these results, but they have something extra up their sleeve. Introducing Minimise gaps:

Minimise Gaps is a game-changer

Clients love online booking, but letting your clients choose the time of their appointments can leave you with gaps in your calendar. With Timely you have the option to minimise gaps by choosing how much availability you want your clients to see. These settings guide your clients to choose appointments that work better for your business.

For example, instead of showing all of your available slots, you can:

  • Show your first available slot of the day
  • Your slots adjacent to other appointments
  • Slots next to breaks
  • Your last slot of the day

Timely also gives you the option to:

  • Turn off your last slot of the day
  • Turn off minimise gaps when a staff member doesn’t have an appointment on that day yet

Here’s an example of the difference between having ‘Minimise gaps’ off (before) vs on (after). We did say it was a game-changer!!


So how do I turn on Minimise Gaps?

It’s not compulsory, but if you want to minimise gaps in your calendar, go to Set up > Online bookings and choose the settings that work best for your business. Then click the checkbox and then click ‘save’.

Minimise Gaps is easy to configure - just look in the Online Bookings settings in your Timely account.

Find out more about Minimise gaps here.

“Timely looks fresh and new. It’s easy and straightforward to book online and my clients love that.” Stevie, Stevie Vincent Studios

On the fence about adding online booking to your salon?

Knowing that you won’t have gaps between your appointments should put you at ease but here are a few more goodies if you still need convincing:

  • Online booking is an optional feature and it’s super flexible. You control which of your services, locations and staff members are available and when.
  • When potential clients are stalking your Instagram and Facebook photos at 10pm, they may become impulsive and want to book with you straight away… so let them! You can add the Timely booking button to your Facebook and Instagram as well.
  • Get more time back in your day. Online booking means you’ll spend less time on the phone and replying to messages.
  • We have a ‘penciled in’ online booking option where your clients can see your available time and request an appointment, you can confirm it if the appointment works for you!
  • If you’re worried about no-shows, don’t be. You can ask for full payment or a deposit online. Trust us on this one, no-shows won’t be an issue.

Find out more about online booking in Timely here.