It’s coming up to that crazy time of year again, where lunch breaks are a luxury and there are never enough hours in the day! But Timely is here to help with online booking tips to ensure you maximise your time and revenue this holiday season.

Take silly-season to the bank! These new features will help you tackle it head-on.

Client login is just around the corner

Yep, you read that right! This feature has been asked for (actually, begged for) by our customers, so we’ve created a world-class client login experience. From the end of November, you can give your clients the option to log in to their own personal online booking page. Clients will be able to view and rebook past appointments, and manage and book future appointments all by themselves, saving you that precious admin time!

As a fast-follower to this release, we’ll be adding the ability to … drumroll, please… blacklist clients that have broken your policies. This feature is being built with a lot of care so we don’t have a release date just yet, but it’s coming soon.

Client login with Upcoming and appointment History

Clients can book multi-staff appointments online! (Coming soon!)

Picture this; a regular client is getting married in December and she’s interested in your bridal package. She wants her botox done by Dr. Neil, IPL with Christine, and her mani-pedi with Sarah. You’ve just closed so it’s too late for her to call. Well, very soon she can book it all online with Timely.

Who wants awkward gaps in their calendar during the silly season?

Not you. That’s why you need our game changing minimise gaps feature. Did you know businesses that use Timely’s online booking and the ‘minimised gaps’ feature are 48% busier with appointments than those that don’t? More bookable time means more revenue.

Simply head to Setup > Online Bookings > Minimise gaps in your calendar to enable this setting. There are two new settings to choose from:

  1. Show only adjacent timeslots
  2. Show only the first available timeslot

Deposits… the money kind!

Online deposits are a smart addition to any salon, spa or clinic to protect you from those flakey clients that don’t show up. While it can feel scary to introduce at first, it’s a decision that really pays itself off. Requesting a deposit or full payment upfront means clients are more respectful of your time, and it’s proven to reduce no shows.

“No shows and cancellations are really demotivating for our staff because they’ve got targets to meet and they want to do well! So we’re now taking a 25% deposit for everything. We’ve had a huge reduction in no-shows, it’s been so successful we may look to make it 50%. Deposits are a no-brainer.”– Haylee Benton, Cecily Day Spa, Alchemy & I and Koha Skin Clinic.

Hayley Benton and her success with Deposits

Get Afterpay set up for the holiday season and smash your sales targets.

  • Over 1,000 Timely customers are now using Afterpay
  • Timely customers using Afterpay have seen an increase of up to 94% in sales
  • Afterpay sales on average are 79% more per client
  • Afterpay is now also available to businesses that offer injectable treatments-yay!

Afterpay allows your clients to pay for their services and products over an 8-week period, while you get paid the full amount straight away – there’s no risk to you. Once set up, it shows as a payment option in online booking, giving your clients more payment options to get the things they really want. Learn more about Afterpay and sign up here.

Afterpay and Timely is available for your business
PS. If you need a hand just reach out to our amazing support team here with any questions you have!