If you own a hair, beauty, or massage business, then at some point in time you must have considered your impact on the environment.

Why Your Salon Must Go Green

Products used in the hair and beauty industry are often laden with environmentally harmful chemicals and once applied, they often get washed straight down the drain. You then have to consider the amount of plastic bottles that these products come in. Unfortunately, beauty often comes at the cost of a healthy environment.

But it doesn’t have to!

Eco-friendly salons are escalating in number, even though some business owners are still not convinced. Here’s three reasons why you must run an eco-friendly salon.

1. Save our Environment

There are a lot of positive effects associated with going green, but none so rewarding as saving our environment. These days it’s easy to manage salon waste in a responsible way. Companies like Sustainable Salons offer programs that make it possible for salons to divert 95% of their waste away from standard waste solutions such as landfills. Through this program, salons that care about sustainability are provided with special bins in which to dispose of their harmful waste. They can dispose of their color tubes, chemicals, hair, plastic, foils, paper, and other items that can harm our environment if disposed of normally. Sustainable Salons will then come and pick up the bin, recycling the waste in an eco-friendly fashion.

Even without programs like Sustainable Salons, your salon can still go green. A little bit of research, and some new habits, can help you to better organise your salon waste.

why your salon must go green

2. Reputation

Many of your customers care about the impact they have on the environment. If your salon shares this point of view, you’re ensuring your customers will feel good about coming in. You’ll probably gain more referrals and perhaps even attract customers away from unsustainable salons. Working hard to become a more sustainable salon is an investment into both your business and the environment.

Many salons believe going green is expensive, and that they’ll have to pass on the costs to their clients. This is not the case. Environmentally-friendly alternatives for salon treatments are more popular than ever, meaning customers are drawn to salons offering such services. Unsustainable salons will soon be left behind.

3. Save Money

Sustainable products are designed to lower the amounts of waste your salon produces. This means that in time, operating costs will dwindle. It’s always worth it in the long run. Even small things like turning lights off in empty rooms, or fixing leaky taps, will help save money and the environment.

There are some certain programs that exist to help fund eco-friendly salon projects. Check online if there are any in your area. Sustainable Salons for example, rewards members with points that they can spend on products, tools or services that help benefit the environment. This also helps to bring in further revenue that can be invested in more sustainable products and can be used to be more effective.

Running a sustainable salon isn’t just a trend, it’s a responsibility. It’s not as costly as it once was, and it’s certainly not difficult.

If you’re not sure where to get started, download our Steps to Sustainability Guide.