We’re making some important changes to how we calculate customer retention and rebooking, to add more value for your business.

Rebook, Retain, Repeat!

Knowing how often your customers are frequenting your business (and being able identify the ones that aren’t coming back), helps you keep your finger on the pulse and prevent any customers from slipping through the cracks.

Two important metrics in measuring how engaged your customers are with your business are: Retention and Rebooking.

In Timely, these figures appear on your Executive Summary report.

The Timely Techbots have been hard at work on an exciting new project around the Dashboard (coming in the next few weeks), which we just know you’re going to love! As part of this process, we are revisiting the existing calculations for retention and rebooking.

How they used to work

The Retained value shows you what percentage of your customers have booked another appointment and will be returning in the future.

Whereas the Rebooked value shows you the percentage of customers that have made a future booking, within 24 hours of their last appointment.

In other words, both retention and rebooking take note of future bookings.​

How they will work

It became obvious that Retention meant something a little different, and that identifying customers that had returned from a previous appointment, were just as valuable as knowing whether they will return in the future.

So without further ado:

This Retained figure will now show, the percentage of customers who are returning customers, i.e, customers that you’ve seen before.

This Rebooked figure will now let you know what percentage of your customers have booked a future appointment in the Calendar, i.e., they have rebooked their last appointment.

These changes are just a small part of what’s to come with the new Dashboard and will replace the existing calculations when the new Dashboard is released.

So keep your eyes out for more news, coming soon!