You might be aware that we’ve been working hard on a native Timely app for iOS devices. We’re trying to play it cool, but we’re pretty dang excited about it.

New Timely iOS app making its way to you

And now, after months of work and a few white hairs for our developers, Version 1 of the new Timely iOS app is available! We’ve been beta testing with some of our customers (<3 u testers) and have gotten some great feedback.

This version includes a completely redesigned calendar, a customer section, and a messages section.

[slideshow_deploy id=’53223′]

Building an app like this one is a huge process. We redesigned the iOS app from the ground up to make it fully native. This means that there are going to be future versions, introducing new features as time goes on. Exciting eh!?

If you’re wondering why we had to completely rebuild the app to make it native, you’re definitely not alone. Here’s a little primer on why having a native app makes things easier for you.

You’ll be able to upgrade the current Timely app on your iOS device by clicking the upgrade banner when it appears in your app. We’re rolling this out slowly (baby steps!) so if you don’t see it right away, not to worry. It will arrive!

As is common with building new things, timelines can change  based on a number of factors, so we’ve got a page on our website with the expected timelines for future versions. You can check this out at any time to see where we’re at.

We hope you’re as excited as we are! Let us know what you think :-)