Creativity is in Jacqueline Kornmann’s blood. Whether she’s on the dance floor or in her office, Jac is constantly creating. 


Customer of the Week: i-Dance Echuca

And now that she owns her own business, Jac has creative control not just over dance choreography, but also the style of her business.

i-Dance Echuca is Jac’s lifestyle, which means she can truly say that work doesn’t feel like ‘work’ for her. Instead, she gets to wake up and pursue her passion.

For Jac, i-Dance is about helping her students, both children and adults, with their personal development. And she doesn’t just focus on developing physical strength, either.

Jac teaches her to students much more than dancing itself. She believes that when you fall down, you have to pick yourself up again — and continue to work hard to achieve your goals. Jacqueline tries to instil this lesson in all the children that come to her studio.

Dance isn’t just about having fun. It teaches you how to be strong and how to overcome challenges.

Timely has allowed Jacqueline to do more of what she loves; spending time with her young students and passing on her passion for dance. Her studio was built around creativity and belonging, and helping her students to feel and express both those things is a huge part of why she loves what she does.

?The angelic lovelies and me ….#sothankful

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Children love to dance and we have such lovely teachers who make i-Dance a fantastic place. Parents can see their children are happy, and that makes them happy.

Timely has taken time-consuming admin tasks away from Jacqueline’s daily schedule, meaning she has more time to give to her students. “With Timely I can spend more time doing what I love, which is teaching beautiful young people the art of dance!”

We’re so pleased that Timely can give Jac more time to do what she loves: dancing, teaching and following her dream.