At Timely, our mission is to build the best booking system in the entire universe.
To do that, we’re building a team of tech experts who are obsessed with providing a trusted, robust and reliable platform. Our customers rely on Timely to run their business. (If you want to be part of the team, read on, we’re hiring!)

How we’re growing with Azure

When we started out on this mission, we chose Microsoft Azure as the platform that we would build Timely on. This wasn’t a decision we made lightly, as we were choosing the partner that would make it a reality with us.

Looking back now, boy did we make the right decision. Azure has come a long, long way since we started Timely.

After starting with just a couple of web servers and a single database we have grown to a solution that includes over 40 servers, databases replicated globally and integrations with many of Azure’s services including Service Bus, Redis Cache, Azure Search, Azure Storage, Azure CDN, Traffic Manager and more.

Here’s a glimpse of what our platform looks like at this point-in-time:

Timely Infrastructure

Credit where it’s due – Azure is one of the best things to come out of Microsoft in recent times. If you’re getting the ball rolling with your start-up, then it’s definitely worth a look (while you’re at it join Microsoft’s excellent Bizspark program and receive a $200/month subsidy for Azure). Or if you’re working in the I.T. space and want to broaden your skills to include Azure, then get in touch because we’re hiring!

How to get involved

We’ve got a bunch of positions open in Wellington right now – and these include equity.