The Timely crew is celebrating another massive milestone — the first time we’ve all been together in one room!

Come together, right now.

Timely has 27 staff (10 new staff this year) and we all work remotely from the comfort of our homes, cafes, co-working spaces — pretty much anywhere with an internet connection.

We’re spread across the globe too, with most of us in Dunedin and Wellington, a couple in Auckland, and one in London.

Even though remote working is fantastic and we love the #timelylife (here’s one reason why!), it’s still important for everyone to come together in one location for some face time.

After all, some of us have never even met!

The end of the year is a great time to do this because we can look back on 2015 to see what we’ve achieved and celebrate this together. It’s also an opportunity to cement ideas for 2016 so we can hit the new year running.

Somehow, we’re able to get everyone (except for one of our new staff – who is getting married) to converge on Queenstown on December 8th and 9th.

This includes Neil all the way from the UK.

What this means for you is that over those two days, we’ll be shutting down the support machine, locking up the techbot pit, closing up the marketing store … you get the picture.

Don’t worry as we’ll have enough technology on hand to monitor and respond to any emergencies that might crop up. We have your backs — always.

Remember there’s a comprehensive collection of lovingly crafted help docs to delve into too.

Finally, I hope that y’all get a chance to take a breather before the end of the year to high-five your staff and reflect on another busy year.