Louise Beckley is an academic who takes a unique, holistic approach to her pilates studio. And with eight staff, and a jam-packed timetable, her methods are clearly working. We’re pleased to introduce Timely’s Customer of the Week,  Pilates Northwest!

Customer of the Week: Pilates Northwest

Louise discovered pilates when she was working with clients as a Certified Advanced Rolfer®. Rolfing® is a system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that helps to realign posture so the body is supported by gravity, rather than dragged down by it.

Louise found that her Rolfing® clients needed an exercise program that was focused on realignment, stretching and the strengthening deep core structures.

Pilates was the perfect fit.

Louise continued her study and became a certified pilates instructor to complement her work. In 2000, she opened Pilates Northwest in Seattle.

For Louise and her team, it’s vital that they create a programme unique to each client.

The best thing about my business is creating an environment where people of all ages, fitness levels, sizes and shapes can come together and feel supported, inspired and can strive to fulfil their personal goals.


The team take a holistic approach to their programme — working from the inside out. Their approach goes further than improving your body physically! They believe it should be about feeling great.

Pilates Northwest is now an 8 person operation, growing with the demand as more clients discover their popular methods.

Timely helps Louise and her team keep stay organised, and connected. Louise’s staff can now access their schedules on their personal devices and computers, which keeps their bookings to be streamlined and transparent.

Scheduling is so much easier. We’re freed up to spend time on growing the business and focussing on our customers.

Louise attributes the success of her business to her staff.

The team at Pilates Northwest are strong and cohesive, which can be hard to come by in business. Half the team have been with Louise for more than 7 years, and two of the instructors were former clients. It just goes to show the huge benefits of having staff who are so passionate, dedicated and engaged with their daily work.

Timely's Customer of the Week: Pilates Northwest