Back in August, we added the ability to book a group, or set, of services together and from today, your customers can now book them online. That’s right, online booking for  Service Groups is here!

Book online with Service Groups? Yes, please!

Now your customers can easily book their multi-service appointments (including any padding or processing time) by selecting the service group from the online booking menu. Just like they can with a regular service!

Not sure what we’re talking about? Refresh your memory by reading our Service Groups help guide.

How does it work?

When your customers book online, they’ll be able to select a service group from your list of existing services. To your customers, it will look like they’re just booking the one seamless experience.

Doe Day Spa

The individual services will be added to your Calendar, including any padding or processing time. Easy peasy!


When can I use Service Groups?

The opportunities are endless! Here are a couple of situations where Service Groups are the perfect fit:

Full service

Set your cut and colour services up as a service group, with processing time in between the colour application and finishing. The customer can then book the whole bunch in a seamless one-click process (see image above!).


Try combining a bunch of services into a combo and offer it at a discounted price e.g. The Full Monty Wax: Brow, lip, leg and bikini line.

Bonus points

Treat your customers to a bonus treatment alongside one of your regular services e.g. Add a detoxifying body scrub to an aromatherapy massage or a rejuvenating facial to a relaxation massage.

Things to remember:

  • Padding time creates an unbookable space, either before or after a service. Find out more about Padding time.
  • Processing time automatically creates a free bookable space after a service. Find out more about Processing time.
  • You can set a payment policy for the service group, which can be different from the individual services included in the group.
  • You can make a service group bookable online, even if the individual services in the group aren’t able to be booked online.