We think our customers are pretty great. So, we’re giving you a free month of Timely if you refer a friend. Happy days all around!

What will you do with a free month of Timely?

Every time someone you referred activates an account, you’ll get a free month of Timely.

So, if you have 12 friends in desperate need of some life-changing appointment software, you might just end up with a free YEAR of Timely.

What will you do with the money saved from your free month? Here are the results of an informal poll of Timely staff:

  1. Cake.” – Ryan
  2. “Book a massage!” – Anna
  3. “Make it rain (a very short, light shower) then sensibly bank it.” – KieranMaking it rain
  4. “I’d take a friend to see the new X-Men movie.” – Dave
  5. “It would go towards this term’s drama fees for my eldest.” – Israel
  6. “Buy the wine for the next dinner party and be the most popular guest.” – Grace
  7. “I’d donate it to an orphanage.” – Alan (thanks for showing us up, Alan)


It’s super easy!

Just go to Account > Refer your friends and you’ll find your referral link, which you can share anywhere. Click on our handy buttons to share to Facebook and Twitter, or send an email to a friend from your account.  You can also add the referral banner to your website.

Timely referral gets you a free month


For a detailed explanation on how to refer your friends to Timely, check out this article on our help guides.

What will you do with the money you save on a free month of Timely?

Would you buy flowers for your partner? Or take your team out to lunch? We’d love to hear what a free month of Timely means to you.  Leave us a comment below!