Today we’re celebrating reaching the ’10 million appointments booked’ milestone here at Timely! That’s a lot of haircuts, manicures, facials, massages, personal training sessions, and meeting appointments that your customers have booked using Timely.

10 million appointments booked with Timely

It’s crazy to think that we started Timely just three years ago. We set out to build a booking app that raised the bar for small service businesses and launched it in 2012. This time last year in July 2014, 2.5 million appointments had been booked with Timely. But in the last 12 months, Timely users like you have quadrupled the number of bookings we have processed, to the tune of 10 million appointments!


This is your achievement as much as it is ours. It’s the thousands of hours of dedicated hard work that you’ve put in to get more client bookings that has made that graph line above so steep.

We’ve been fairly busy ourselves since having booked 2.5 million appointments in July 2014. In the last 12 months, we’ve been able to grow our team from just a handful of people in 2014 to 23 staff in three offices and two countries this year. This allows us to create more the of the features that you ask for in our feedback forum.

Releasing features as often as we do, which is usually twice a week, requires company-wide effort. The techbots build new capability into the Timely app, our marketing team tells you about it, and our support teams help you get everything set up and deal with any complications you run into. Being able to grow our team has meant we can release those features that make your life easier and help you get more bookings faster, and more often.

At Timely, we succeed when you succeed. Reaching this 10 million appointments milestone is a reason to celebrate for us all. Thank you for choosing Timely and for doing beautiful business. Now, bring on 100 million appointments!